North Judson Moves Forward with Comprehensive Plan Project by Approving KIRPC & HWC Agreement
North Judson Town Council members recently took a major step forward in their Comprehensive Plan Project when they approved agreements with KIRPC and HWC Engineers.
Grant Administrator Shawn Cain came before the council last Monday, representing KIRPC and HWC Engineers.
By approving the agreement, officials authorized KIRPC to utilize the funds from the OCRA grant the town received to pay HWC Engineers, the company that will be working with the town on updating their comprehensive plan.
As a reminder, the OCRA grant totaled $39,600 with a local match of $4,400.
Cain notified them that HWC is looking to get a kick off meeting scheduled by the end of the month in order to explain what their process is going to be and how they plan to incorporate a public involvement piece.
Article provided by WKVI